Journey Of Discoveries

Friendship, Faith, Adventure, Being


New Year 2013

2013 brings in a load of new expectations for many people. A new year symbolizes RENEWED HOPE and PROSPERITY, MOTIVATION to start life on a clean slate, and DEDICATION to follow through with whatever goals were set in place.

Like many people during this time, I set myself to these high expectations for the new year only to revert back to my ‘old self’ after a month or two because the ‘realities of life’ start to kick in and ‘I’m too busy with work’ or ‘My studies consume my time’ or ‘There’s always time to do THAT later…’ So then many of us resort to not doing what we plan at all.

This year will be a different year for me- a year to be fully conscious of living in the moment. For a long as I can remember my 27 years of life on this earth, I’ve always been the one to be 10 steps ahead- planning for next week without noticing the most important details in between. Because of this, I missed special opportunities and experiences that could have changed me- good or not so good. Whichever way, it was still a life that should have lived in the moment. As this new year begins, it brings for me- again- renewed hope, motivation, and dedication. But opposite of times passed, I am making a conscious effort to have renewed hope in myself, be self-motivating, and be self-dedicated to my life’s journey. I am dubbing this year as: ME, Myself & I.  I am focusing on four aspects of my life to accomplish or improve:





A year from now, I want to look back at the frienships I have made or rekindled along the way, reflect on God’s miracles (small and big) in my life and the paths I have taken to become stronger in my faith, the adventures I pursued, and the improvement of my whole health and well-being. This year I am looking forward to living a F.F.A.B. life.

Cheers to ME, Myself & I